Saturday, Apr. 28, 2012 + 2:37 a.m.

its not like the old days, thats for sure. its less. much less. and less people. but a good core group.

minus a bad apple every now and again.

i want more.

i want as much as my body can handle.

if i ever got that close-which i feel i did a few times-i want it again.

but im just too god damned smart for it.

or so i thought. until i started giving someone money for it constantly.

i had to save his texts in which he pledged to return the funds i lent.

i dont like it. i wish i had only my own addiction to deal with. i did for a long time and i abstained. dumb damn partner in crime. and i love him so what the fuck can i do. oh, and i live with him and his family.

I only get sleepless nights

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