im going off the rails of a crazy train
Saturday, Dec. 02, 2006 + 7:55 a.m.

last night i had half a mind to take some tcs and coke it up.

didnt happen-but that doesnt mean i didnt have myself a night.

a lot i dont remember. a lot of my memories are already very broken up. like glen throwing up. in my ear (i think) migs said, he's prolly od'ing. hed recently returned to us from idk where after attaining and eating a mysterious number more of tcs. and he was laying (on the sand, im told) throwing up on his side. at one point he was laying on his back and asked to be rolled back over to vomit. i dont recall how we got to that point or how we recovered from it. it just....was.

i vomited on the way to the beach. it started in the car. glen opened his door at a light and i leaned forward towards that little open portal that leads to the outside world to puke up my insides-but nothing gave. it wasnt until we made it to the big lots parking lot that the pink puke made its debut. and there was no controlling it. its violence. its wildness. its unpredicatbility. and then i hopped back in the car and we were on our way.

beach was fun and mind-blowing and what feels like an eternity (but was only an hour and a half maybe) later we headed back to the house. a billionty five cars were outside the house. and even more people inside. no. more like 18 or 19. but more than the 7 we were expecting.

my entire night i feel like i was on a tilt-a-whirl...the streaming colors. the constant motion feeling. the voices of happy people everywhere. tho, in retrospect it was more the voices of really drunk people.

i also drank and smoked and felt none of my pain-my back. my stuffy nose. my sore throat. it all went away. drugs are awesomes.

I only get sleepless nights

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